Profile PictureNash P.

Hiiii. I'm Nash!! With great hardships, come some of the greatest life experiences and jewels God has left me with to share, spread, and amplify. In a world of consumerism where someone is always trying to sell you the next 'must-have' product - when was the last time you focused on nourishing your soul and mind? You know, the two things you live with every day? When was the last time you stimulated your brain to...think deeper? Analyzed your life on a spiritual plane? And remembered that you're not a body with a soul. Rather, you're a soul *placed intentionally* within a body? My eBooks, which I call "Blog Books," focuses on sharing crazy life experiences that have helped leveled me up to the point where when life throws some DEMENTED things my way - I can always find God in the eye of the storm. Guiding me. Helping me. And healing me from some of the most emotionally traumatic situations I've faced as a young, American, Muslim woman. ON A LESS SERIOUS NOTE - these blogs have poor grammar, kinda ugly-ish designed, I make up words, and they will increasingly have less of a filter. So come here to read some piping, hot tea. Purrrrr.