
The Blog Book (Part 4 : The ex-lover, that harms)

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The Blog Book (Part 4 : The ex-lover, that harms)

21 ratings

Salaam, and welcome to the latest Blog Drop!!!

***Nash's fake tribal call, calling for her blog readers*** LE LE LE LE LEEEE!!!!

This one...definitely takes a darker turn. Hassad (envy), Ayn (evil-eye), and Sehir (Black Magic) plagues our community as silent killers.

Hating ex's don't want to go to jail no moeee...but they definitely want to go to h3ll !! (Don't gasp, you know it's true!!).

The dark arts is practiced around the world by so many people. But it is considered a HUGE sin in the Muslim community and takes one out of the fold of Islam.

AND YET - jealousy, hatred, and revenge have made fellow Muslims take this route. LIKE NORMAL people find a therapist, but your man out here googling witches!!??

I share some stories that might leave your jaw dropping to the floor HONAYYY.... and leave you with some pointers to defend yourself against evil souls that may launch spiritual attacks against you. AND BEING ON SOCIAL MEDIA NOW?? We need to think about protecting ourselves ...EVEN MORE.

NONETHELESS - God is sufficient as our Protector. And now you can read alllll about how He....also protected me. Alhumdulilah.

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Rate it (pls). Comment below (thx). And per usual, we shall scream together.

Catch ya'll on the next one...insha'Allah.


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